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MSAS webinar#236 - 'What’s the weather like on alien planets?' Speaker: Dr Anjali Piette
MSAS webinar#238 - 'The View of the Centaur Region Through Wide-Field Surveys' by Dr. Meg Schwamb
MSAS Webinar#31The Oldest Computer in the World. By Phil Muffett
MSAS Webinar#96 - 'Monster Black Holes, Active Galaxies and Red Quasars' Speaker: Victoria Fawcett
MSAS Webinar#126 - 'The life of Cecilia Helena Payne-Gaposchkin' by Trevor Worrall
MSAS webinar#28 MARS WATCHING by: Roy Gunson
MSAS Webinar#110 - 'Stars that Merge in the Milky Way' by Professor Dr Albert Zijlstra
MSAS Webinar#22 'Active Galactic Nuclei and Quasars' by Mikkel Kristensen
ICA virtual classroom Pediatric & Cardio-obstetric case presentations: ICA Webinar 235
MSAS Webinar#104 - 'How I Shoot the Moon' by John Leach
MSAS Webinar#199 'LUMIO mission' by Dr Tony Cook
MSAS Webinar#100 - 'The greatest sunspot in 30 years' by member speaker Andy Devey